I had the immense pleasure of chatting with Steffo on today’s show about life force activation, awakening the energy in men and finding a way to live life at a higher vibration.
We also talked about his FLT method and how increasing the energy we carry can lead to better more powerful orgasms.
Steffo hit rock bottom after finding out his girlfriend had been cheating on him with multiple guys for a whole year. This realization catapulted him into a dark night of the soul. In those moments, all his trauma and wounds came to the surface, and I didn’t have the tools or maturity to deal with it, so he got rid of his apartment, stored his belongings in boxes, sold his car, and set out on a solo pilgrimage trip around the world.
Steffo Shambo is a sex, love, and relationship expert (with a tantric foundation) and he helps married men save their marriage from the brink of divorce and help single men attract their dream partner.
He’s on a mission to guide men towards an intimate, connected, and meaningful relationship, and end the war with their sexuality, so they can finally become integrated men, fathers, brothers, husbands, and leaders in the world.
You can reach out to Steffo at The Tantric Academy here.
For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit www.kimberlyninahill.com
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