So, you made it to 2022. Welcome!

If you’re still standing, got a roof over your head and friends around you, you are one of the lucky ones! 2021 was no piece of cake, and if you were also trying to date on top of a changing societal and political landscape, social distancing and so forth, good on you. Now, let’s put that year behind us!

Reaching 2022 and being single means you have a wide-open canvas for creating a romantic life this year. And after a year of reflection, it’s time to kick-ass in the love department.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Know exactly what kind of relationship you want to create. Before you date in 2022, make sure you have a clear idea of the type of relationship you want to have. If you’ve been married before, are you looking to find something more casual or are you searching for something serious? Do you see wedding bells in your future, or something different? Get crystal clear on the type of relationship you want to create before you begin your search. You’ll save yourself from distraction and disappointment.
  2. Be open to new people and experiences. Even though you’re clear on the relationship you want to have, make sure you’re not being closed-minded as to who might fill that role. Stubbornness or pickiness won’t get you very far. Locking yourself into a “type” can do more harm than good and gets you focusing on the wrong qualities. While you might prefer petite women with brown hair, a tall blonde might be the woman that surprises you. Remember, it’s about connecting with someone that shares similar values to you and also shares a similar vision for the relationship.
  3. Mr. Nice Guy is Out and Mr. Assertive Is In – Way In! Nice guys don’t get very far with dating. And it’s not because there is anything wrong with being a nice or kind individual, it’s because men that lack strong values or boundaries get taken advantage of. These kinds of men are left wondering what they did wrong when they tried to do everything right! It’s all part of the problem. Having strong boundaries and respect for yourself is attractive. Knowing what you want and going after it, now that’s sexy. Assertive is in. Mr. Nice Guy is out.
  4. Get Back to the Basics. It’s 2022, and everything feels so complicated with dating. How often do I text? What do I say? How many dates should we go on? How many apps should I use? You can easily get overwhelmed with information and start doubting yourself. Keep things simple. Don’t worry about doing everything perfectly. If you want a rule of thumb, message your date a few times a week maximum, go on a date once a week, and be courteous and forthright. The more complicated you make it, the more complicated it will become.
  5. Don’t Forget Those Old-Fashioned Introductions. Dating apps are constantly changing and evolving. Remember, apps are designed to return money to investors first, and if you happen to find love while paying for your subscription, then hooray! You’re one of the lucky ones! So this year, brush up on the old-fashioned way of dating – meeting someone in person. Dating apps are no excuse to hide inside and avoid new hobbies, sports or getting out of the house. This year, set some intentions to speak to more attractive women in public, make sure to ask your friends to make introductions and get vocal about your search!

Kimberly Hill is a leading Dating & Relationship Coach For Men, and Host of The Self-Confidence Project Podcast. You can follow her on Instagram @kimberlyninahill. For more information, go to

Curious to learn more? Download a free copy of The Dating Handbook for Men.

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