Join Kevin and I talk about arrogance versus confidence, redefining the term Alpha male and chatting candidly about purpose and cognitive mastery development.

Kevin Matthew Aillaud spent over a decade in the fitness industry, training individuals on how to achieve peak physical fitness. Recognizing a gap between the mindset and capability of athletes, he turned to neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, social dynamics, and cellular biology to find a new way to coach his athletes. The results were more than he expected.

Having come from a childhood of abuse, abandonment, and neglect and an early adulthood of trauma where shame and guilt ran his life, his research did more to shift his own mindset into that of an influential and irresistible man of confidence than he ever could have imagined. As his own personal growth and development skyrocketed, he passed on his knowledge to his clients who have found uncanny success with women and dating, business and wealth, and health and fitness.

Kevin created The Alpha Male Coach brand and his purpose is to define the term Alpha Male and, through the process of causal coaching, to show men the path to limitless success and cognitive evolution. He is a public and keynote speaker, one-on-one causal coach, and author.

You can learn more about Kevin and his work here.

If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please book a complimentary conversation here.

You can also find out more information on her website here.

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