I had the immense pleasure of chatting with Steffo on today’s show about life force activation, awakening the energy in men and finding a way to live life at a higher vibration.
We also talked about his FLT method and how increasing the energy we carry can lead to better more powerful orgasms.
Steffo hit rock bottom after finding out his girlfriend had been cheating on him with multiple guys for a whole year. This realization catapulted him into a dark night of the soul. In those moments, all his trauma and wounds came to the surface, and I didn’t have the tools or maturity to deal with it, so he got rid of his apartment, stored his belongings in boxes, sold his car, and set out on a solo pilgrimage trip around the world.
Steffo Shambo is a sex, love, and relationship expert (with a tantric foundation) and he helps married men save their marriage from the brink of divorce and help single men attract their dream partner.
He’s on a mission to guide men towards an intimate, connected, and meaningful relationship, and end the war with their sexuality, so they can finally become integrated men, fathers, brothers, husbands, and leaders in the world.
In this new episode, and with special guest Jayson Gaddis, we talk all about conflict. Every single one of us is going to experience conflict, and if we don’t, it might be because we’re avoiding it (sound familiar?)
Jayson is an author, relationship expert and coach who teaches people the one class they didn’t get in school – “How To Do Relationships.”
He leads one of the most in-depth and comprehensive relationship education programs and trains relationship coaches all over the world. He is the host of The Relationship School Podcast with over 5 million downloads and is the visionary behind The Relationship School and his first book, Getting to Zero, which is out now!
We all know processing a break-up isn’t easy, and on this week’s episode #69, I invited David Glaser to chat with me about his recent split. David had the courage to come on the show and talk about what happened that caused its demise. We also spoke about boundaries, how to stay calm when someone throws an object at you (hint: breathe and leave), and we chat about cheating, stonewalling, passions, and tapping into masculine energy. You won’t want to miss this episode.
How do you handle asking women out in public? Do you avoid it at all costs, or is this something you do with ease? Have a listen to today’s episode, where I share 5 useful tips to consider if you want to ask women out (the non-sleazy way!)
Get your FREE Guide to Dating Women with Confidence 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼:
Have you ever heard of polarity in relationships? Yin and Yang? Feminine and Masculine? If not, tune into today’s episode, where Tim and I chat about polarity in relationships, what this means, and some other important conversations around emotional validation and dating. Plus, we also dive into the Australian culture, where men are not taught enough about vulnerability and emotional expression.